The Odds of Drowning in Bath tub: 1-in-9,377

The Odds You'll ...
Be a Victim of ID Theft: 1-in-465
Be sued by the RIAA for illegal filesharing: 1-in-4,666

The Odds of ...

Dating a millionaire: 215-to-1
Dating a supermodel: 88,000-to-1

The Odds of Winning Jackpot in ...

Slot machines: 1-in-16,777,216
Calif. SuperLotto: 1-in-41,416,353
Powerball: 1-in-146,107,962
Mega Millions: 1-in-175,711,536

The Odds of Believing ...
That it's better to be poor and thin, than rich and fat: 2-in-3
That the best way to get rich is to win the lottery: 1-in-5

The Odds ...
You've been caught picking your nose while driving, if you're a man: 1-in-2
You will get injured by a toilet this year: 1-in-10,000


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About this blog:

To tell you the truth, this blog is about whatever I want it to be about.
It's just a normal blog.
I just write about whatever I feel I should and of course it's all my personal opinion.
I don't mean any harm, I'm Just expressing myself.